Gibbon Tailgating 2024 was a day to remember! Here are just a few of our favorite moments. Stay tuned for more posts next week as we recap Homecoming Week 2024!
about 3 hours ago, Abby Jones
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Tailgating day
Congratulations to Madelyn & Isac, Gibbon's 2024 Homecoming Queen and King! Congratulations to all of the candidates (as pictured): Ryder, Kimberly, Isac, Madelyn, Tyler, Brooke.
about 3 hours ago, Abby Jones
Homecoming royalty
Homecoming royalty
Congratulations to the Gellerman family on winning the Foreign Language Club - split the pot!! Thank you for your generous donation back to our club!
about 20 hours ago, Abby Jones
split the pot winners
Support the Buffaloes! Watch the livestream at 7 pm on this evening vs. Valentine. Gibbon celebrates their Homecoming - come in person or online! @VCSBadger
1 day ago, Deb Stroh
UPDATED!!!! Here are the colors for each class for Class Color Day Friday!
2 days ago, Gibbon Public Schools
class color day
UPDATED!!!! Here are the colors for each class for Class Color Day Friday!
2 days ago, Abby Jones
class color day
Here's a few highlights from sports injury day! Homecoming dress up days have been great!
2 days ago, Abby Jones
sports injury day
sports injury day
sports injury day
We can't wait to see everyone dress up for the traditional CLASS COLOR DAY on Friday. Don't know your color - just check out our graphic!
2 days ago, Abby Jones
class color day
Please join us online at to watch the Buffaloes and Hawkettes battle it out on the volleyball court starting with Freshmen at 5 p.m., following by the JV and Varsity.
2 days ago, Deb Stroh
St. Cecilia
A few more favorites from tourist day!
3 days ago, Abby Jones
Tourist day
Tourist day
Tourist day
Fifth and sixth grade students
3 days ago, Nesha Yockey
Is it June already?!?! Nope - just a recap of 'Tourist Day' for Gibbon 2024 Homecoming week. There were some FANTASTIC outfits!
3 days ago, Abby Jones
Tourist Day
Tourist Day
Tourist Day
Tourist Day
Tourist Day
It has been a GREAT week of dressing up! Make sure to continue with Thursday's 'Sports Injury' theme! (Elementary students are dressing as 'Sports Day).
3 days ago, Abby Jones
Sports Injury Day
Gibbon Junior High Football was victorious in their match-up with Minden on Tuesday with a final score of 23-14.
3 days ago, Josh Miller
Let the games begin
Finding some space
Tackle for Loss
Post-game talk
Come to the library to choose your "This or That" and check out a great book!
3 days ago, Gibbon Public Schools
This or that voting
When you have the best student aide, you get awesome signage in the library! Students, come to the library to find your next great read!
3 days ago, Gibbon Public Schools
hs library signs
We aren't sure who had more fun today... the students or the teachers! Here are a few of the 2024 homecoming week 'flip-flop' participants.
4 days ago, Abby Jones
Flip flop day
Flip flop day
Flip flop day
Flip flop day
Flip flop day
Flip flop day
We can't wait to see the great outfits Gibbon Buffaloes wear for TOURIST DAY on Wednesday! Everyone is enjoying 2024 homecoming week!
4 days ago, Abby Jones
Tourist Day
Flip Flop Day. Teachers and students had lots of fun today.
4 days ago, Nesha Yockey
Mrs. Godfrey met with the safety patrol members to review expectations for after-school duties in the parking lot. She emphasized the importance of staying alert and helping younger students cross safely. Thanks safety patrol for your service!
4 days ago, Nesha Yockey