Students start the day strong by working in small groups to complete calendar work and practice social skills. They practice the skills of taking turns while playing a card game.

Fourth graders engaged in academic conversations to explain how they solved math problems.

BASKETBALL CHANGE 2/11/25 - For the home games vs. Southern Valley, both JV teams will only play 2 qtrs, so the games will be stacked and played in the main gym only.
4:30 girls JV - 2 quarters (JV boys warmups in north gym)
5:00 boys JV - 2 quarters
6:00 girls VAR
Go Buffs!!

GIRLS LPC BB - The Gibbon girls will play St. Paul @ St. Paul on Friday 2/7/25 @ 6pm. Go Buffs!!
Games will be streamed at - https://fan.hudl.com/usa/nebraska/st.-paul/organization/21810/st.-paul-high-school

Happy National Counseling Week!

LOUPLATTE CONFERENCE BASKETBALL - The boys basketball team will play Wood River tonight 2/4/25 @ 6:30 pm in Wood River in the LPC tournament. The girls will play Friday - opponent and location are still to be determined. Go Buffs!!

Gibbon FBLA has started their Valentine Fundraiser! Please get your order in quickly, deadline is Tue., Feb 11 and delivery is Thur., Feb. 13. Please place your order online https://forms.gle/4gM6QBzDZBVk9dtP8; payment needs to be done as soon as possible to secure your order.

We have stocked our shelves and our fridge. If you know of a student or family in need of food or toiletry items please reach out to Keri Waddle or Tyson Greenwalt at the school. If you would like to donate we are in need of coats, socks, underwear and all toiletry items.

Today three of our students join the Buffalo Community Partners from Kearney to visit the Capital for the Youth Legislative Day! They will get an opportunity to talk to senators about important youth topics like mental health.

English 11 students read a fictional text and analyze how it reflects social and historical elements of modernism.

Preschoolers are learning all about buildings. Last week they built their own structures and read, The Three Little Pigs."

These preschoolers completed their reading log for the month of January and earned a prize! Great job reading!

Gibbon Sports Network will be livestreaming at striv.tv/gibbon on Monday, February 3 starting at 6:30 pm for the first round of the LouPlatte Conference Boys Varsity Basketball at Gibbon High School. @ravennahighschool @gpsbuffs

Please join me at our FBLA State Leadership study session tonight at 7 pm in Mrs. Stroh's room.

Second Grade went on a Community Walk for our culminating activity! We were able to explore several businesses in the community. We explored Rise and Grind, Exchange Bank, Dynamic Ts, Casual Closet, Hamilton, Adam's Market, Gibbon Insurance, and the Fire Hall! Thank you to all these businesses for your time and support!

6th grade band practicing rhythms together.

Kindergarten students can write numbers to 100!

✨High Five Friday✨
The GHS band pumping up the elementary students on Friday morning!