Thanks for the book donations, Gibbon Nation. We will still take donations until Wednesday, March 6th. Our students and staff can't wait to play Bingo for Books!
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Mrs. Stroh's eight grade career students use the online tool Powtoon to create a presentation on a career of their choice.
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Mrs. Anderson's sixth grade social studies class investigates theories. Student collaboration plus inquiry equals total class engagement!
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Congratulations to the Preschool class for winning the March of Dimes fundraiser! Thank you for all of your donations!
2 months ago, Christina Davis
AM class
PM class
Mr. Kluever uses the whole brain teaching strategy to help students remember the order of operations.
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Carla Murillo and Katherine Vasquez celebrate completing one of the many scholarships that are due March 1st!! Way to go girls!!
2 months ago, Keri Waddle
Gibbon Elementary is looking for book donations for a Bingo for Books game. Please consider donating any gently used children's books. You can send any donations with your student by Wednesday, March 6th!
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Preschool students work on letter identification and formation.
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Fifth grade students typing their final copy of a writing piece.
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
The elementary will be holding a Bingo for Books game next week. We need more gently used books for prizes. If you have any books to donate, please consider donating. We appreciate the support!
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Gibbon seniors had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Luis Olivas today about UNK & scholarship opportunities! Thank you Mr. Olivas for taking the time to help Gibbon students!
2 months ago, Abby Jones
Gibbon students
Gibbon students
Gibbon students
Gibbon students
A great way to end National FFA week! Some of the elementary classes came over to visit the FFA officers and learn more about agriculture! They colored farm pictures, played truth or hogwash, made bean necklaces, and read a book called "special seeds" written by a local author.
2 months ago, Kealey Widdowson
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Elementary Ag day!
Hello Gibbon Nation. FBLA held a blood drive today with the goal of collecting 41 units of blood. By all indications, the group met their goal!! Thank You Mrs. Stroh and FBLA for all your hard work and dedication to service. #WeAreGibbon
2 months ago, Vern Fisher
Blood Drive
Thank you to our Gibbon FBLA Red Cross Blood Drive sponsor for February-Essentially Innate Chiropractic! If interested in giving please walk in to save 3 lives!
2 months ago, Deb Stroh
First grade students reading and responding to a text. The partners were keeping each other accountable for finding text evidence to support their answers. Great coaching, first graders!
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Kindergarten students partner read a text. Then show their evidence of comprehension by writing a sentence about the text.
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Please donate blood at the Gibbon FBLA/American Red Cross blood drive on Friday, February 23 from 8:30 am-2:30 pm at Gibbon High School. Enter through the southwest doors of the building. Go to! Receive a $20 Amazon gift card for your donation and save 3 lives!
2 months ago, Deb Stroh
blood drive
High school students celebrated FFA week by driving tractors to school. Even a first grade student participated!
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey
Gibbon Spanish 3 & 4 students spent the day at UNK taking the STAMP test & visiting campus. Students hope to earn the Seal of Biliteracy. #GPSBuffs
2 months ago, Abby Jones
Gibbon students
Chemistry students reviewing critical content.
2 months ago, Nesha Yockey